Tuesday, October 9, 2012

First Ever Ulta Haul!!

Hi. My name is Stephanie and I'm a blush addict. D: I don't know why, but I find myself always picking up new blushes.... I think I found my favorite type of make-up. Hehe~

If you've ever been to Japan, I find that a lot of the girls just pile on the blush! Surprisingly, I really quite like that dolly look! I think that may be why I love blush so much. Because I have to pile it on. ;D

Anyway~ On to the haul!

Smashbox Blush in Flush - $24 USD (3.7g)
This was my first ever high end product that I bought for myself! Sure I've been gifted some high end stuff, or my Mommie bought me some before, but this is the first one I ever bought for myself. Milestone here. :p

A beautiful tinkled pink with silver glitter. I'd say that it's soft and finely milled, but the glitters make the texture a little harder. As I said before, I'm in love with dolly pink blushes at the moment so I had to pick this one up. I'd image it would look amazing on all you pale girls out there~! I'm not so pale, though. ;D This one was kind of an impulse buy though. I was originally going for the Tarte Amazonian Clay Blush, but the saleslady pushed me to this one. I'm like the perfect customer because I get pressured into buying stuff so easily.... now I have to go back and try to pick up the Tarte blush though... ;D You'd think this one is cheaper than the Tarte one (which is $25?) but it's a lot smaller in size... -n-

NYX Cosmestics - Blushes $5.99 USD ea. (4g)
My first time at Ulta means my first time trying out NYX! I'm not much of an eye shadow person yet, so I'll start this off with more blush! ;D I'm sold already. Amazing quality for amazing price~
left to right: Rose Garden (PB26) and Mocha (PB01)

Rose Garden is a nice true hottish pink with gold glitters. Super gorgeous! Not so much of that natural look though, but that's not really what I go for. ;D Mocha is more of a Mauve-y, brownish reddish color that does give you more of a natural flush. I hear a lot of good things about this blush, which is why I decided to try it out. Let me say, this blush is so finely milled and soft it's amazing for the price! I couldn't believe how soft it was at first; however, Rose Garden is not as soft; probably because of the glitter chunks, though.

(left to right: Rose Garden, Mocha)

NYX Jumbo Eye Pencil in 604, Milk $4.49 USD
Again, another highly raved about product that I just had to try out. 

(left to right: Rose Garden (NYX), Mocha (NYX), Flush (Smashbox), Milk (NYX))
Sorry for the change of background, my iPhone died so I was charging it when I took this, hence it's over my bed where my iPhone charger is plugged in. ;D Now you can see them all together~ I can't wait to try out flush. It's so pretty! 

 Palladio Rice Powder in Translucent - $4.99 USD (17g)
Actually, I picked this one up because I do remember my mom using this before in the past~ I don't remember if she liked it or not, but I thought I'd try it out again~ The packaging, from back in my mother's days, has since changed I believe? I wanted to try a cheaper translucent powder before I went ahead and tried some more expensive ones just to see if I liked adding that extra step in~ Probably won't use that puff though... it seems quite cheap. D:

I also picked up the Grape Seed Peel off Masque and Mint Clay Mask from Queen Helene for the fun of it (~$3.99 USD ea) so look forward to my thoughts on those!Thanks for reading!
Sheepy out~ <3